We are always welcoming more inhabitants to Midt-Telemark and as a student at USN, campus Bø you are an important resource for us.
The university and its students are important for local businesses and for the entire Midt-Telemark community and Midt-Telemark municipality wishes to be a good host. In light of that we want to offer all students who move to our municipality a special welcome gift of NOK 5,000.
This applies to you if
- You are a fulltime student at USN, campus Bø for the duration of at least 1 year.
- You have registred moving from another municipality to Midt-Telemark municipality and can submit a notification of moving from the Tax Agency (Skatteetaten) confirming a new address in the municipality.
You can only recveive the incentive once.
Documentations you have to submit
How do I report that you are moving?
If you are moving, you must send a moving notice to the National Register of Citizens. This can be done here:
Skattetaten - moving
To apply for the incentive scheme, press here